By that evening, everyone in town was talking about the new doctor. Even Jasper Whitlock, the town's pharmacist, was grateful for the medical help; now he could correctly prescribe everyone without worrying they had something different.
As Isabella was cleaning up after supper, Alice Brandon stopped by.
"Alice," she greeted cheerfully as the older woman entered her home.
"I brought you some bread." Alice pulled a package out of a cloth bag she had stitched together and handed it to Isabella.
"Thank you." Isabella placed it on the table and they both sat down.
Alice Brandon was the town's midwife, checking in on pregnant women and helping them when they were in labor. She and Isabella had been close friends growing up. After Isabella's parents had died, Alice had been at the house every day, helping with cooking and cleaning and taking care of Renesmee. For that, Isabella felt in debt to her and never felt she was doing enough to show her appreciation.
"Have you met the new doctor yet?" Isabella asked.
Alice shook her head. "No. It seems that he has stayed inside all day."
"He must be settling in. He had a lot of luggage." Isabella stood up and looked out the window, checking to make sure Renesmee was still in front of the house. "The man seems nice enough. A bit shy, though."
"You met him?" Alice asked, surprised.
"Yes," she sighed quietly and leaned back against the sink, facing Alice. "Renesmee ran up to him when he first arrived. I don't know what I should do, Alice. She won't listen to me. She runs off every time my back is turned."
Alice smiled sympathetically. "At her age, I don't think she would listen to anyone. She'll be seven this winter. I'm sure she'll start to listen more before then."
"I hope so."
Alice smiled even more. "Don't forget, we were the same way when we were that young. Everything was exciting and interesting."
Isabella laughed, putting her hand over her mouth with embarrassment. "I do remember." She admitted.
"I better head home." Alice stood up and headed for the door.
Isabella followed her outside on to the front porch. "Thank you again for the bread."
Alice kissed her on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Isabella nodded and watched her leave. She thought about how much she really depended on Alice and how much Alice had done for her over the years. Isabella was terribly grateful to know her.
She got the horses settled in for the night and closed the stable. If anyone needed a horse during the night, they would wake her, but that almost never happened. Then, she helped Renesmee get cleaned up and ready for bed. Only recently had Isabella moved her things into her parents' bedroom, giving she and Renesmee their own rooms.
The last thing to do before tucking Renesmee into bed was brushing out her hair. Isabella sat in her mother's rocking chair as her little sister stood in front of her, letting the brush be pulled through the tangles in her hair.
"Did mother brush your hair like this?" Renesmee asked, watching the fire in the fireplace.
"Every night, but I didn't have as many tangles as you do." Isabella teased.
Renesmee giggled. "I'm certain you must have had more!" She doubled over laughing when Isabella responded by tickling her sides.
"You think you're such a funny girl." Isabella laughed and stopped tickling her. "Time for bed."
Renesmee groaned and trudged into her bedroom.
Isabella tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight." She left the door open just a crack and walked back to the kitchen.
After filling a large pot with water, she placed it over the fire to heat up. She had set up their metal bathing tub in her bedroom and was looking forward to relaxing for the first time that day. She pulled a long piece of ribbon out of her mother's old jewelry box and tied her hair up. When the water was heated, she poured it into the tub and shed her clothing.
She sighed as she eased her body into the hot water, feeling her sore leg and back muscles starting to relax.
This time of night was always when she reflected on the day and planned for the next. Of course, the first thought to come into her head was the town's new doctor. She couldn't help but wonder why he had seemed so shy. There was also the possibility that the long carriage ride to town had put him in a bad mood. She decided that he had probably had many things on his mind and might be more cheerful the next day. Obviously, the whole town would be by to welcome him so he couldn't possibly stay shy after that!
Isabella bit on her fingernail as she contemplated the changes that their town might go through now that Dr. Cullen was there.
'Dr. Edward Cullen… he was a very nice looking man…'
She rolled her eyes at herself for thinking such ridiculous things. He hadn't seemed to have taken interest in even saying hello to her when they met.
All of her life, she had thought falling in love and having a family would be a dream come true. Being with Jacob had been like having a good friend around, except they were always there. Isabella didn't think it was supposed to be that way. It was supposed to be exciting and fun and she was supposed to be deliriously happy. With Jacob all those things had been inconveniently absent.
She knew how much easier things would have been – and still would be – if she had married Jacob, but she hadn't been able to bring herself to do such a thing. She couldn't stand the thought of being married for convenience.
Now, there was a new man in town, and coming face to face with him had been, in a sense, thrilling. Yes, she had been nervous and he had been almost cold, but there was something about him that she found intriguing.
Despite all the reasoning against the strange feelings she was having, she had to admit that just the thought of Dr. Edward Cullen excited her.
The next day, Isabella and Renesmee took another walk into town. Besides picking up the bit she had left with Emmett to fix, Isabella was also looking for Jacob. She needed to ask a favor of him; something she hated to do. Asking for help was not easy for her.
First, she paid Emmett and placed the metal bit in her apron pocket. After thanking him a couple times, she and Renesmee headed for the tavern. Isabella couldn't help looking at the doctor's building as they walked down the road. Not only was it Edward's new office, but the back half was where he would live.
She walked a bit slower as the door opened and Edward stepped out, walking across the street to the store.
'It's a good thing he didn't look over,' she thought after he had gone inside the store. 'It would have been strange for him to see me looking.'
Deep down, she was rather ashamed of herself for being so intrigued by him.
"Isabella." Renesmee whined, pulling on Isabella's arm.
"All right." She sighed and they both stepped onto the tavern's front porch.
Walking through the doors, they found Jacob putting clean glasses behind the counter.
"Jacob!" Renesmee said happily and hurried over to hug him.
"Hello," he laughed as he hugged her back. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Isabella smiled, walked over and stood beside the counter. "I was wondering if you needed any help here tonight."
Jacob looked surprised for a moment, but then remembered that Isabella didn't have much money. To be honest, no one in town had much money, but Isabella was definitely one of the poorest.
He nodded. "Come back after dark."
"Thank you." She smiled gratefully at him and pulled Renesmee along as she left.
That night, Isabella arrived at the tavern as Jacob was lighting the lanterns on the porch. The inside was lit up with the orange-yellow glow of more lanterns and she could hear loud chatter drifting out into the open air. Jacob greeted her warmly and they walked inside.
The first hour passed steadily and uneventfully, but after the shops closed, the tavern became loud and crowded.
Isabella busied herself by bringing mugs of beer to anyone who shouted her way. She had just stopped for a moment to take a break when Jacob came up beside her with two mugs of beer.
"Can you bring these to the table in the corner?" He asked, pointing to the far left corner.
She made her way over to the table that sat between the great open fireplace and a front window. Pushing through a small crowd and trying not to spill anything, she looked to the table and saw Jasper and Edward. It was impossible for her to not smile.
"Here you are, boys." She said sweetly, setting down their drinks.
Jasper looked up from the quiet conversation they had been having and smiled. "Thank you, Isabella."
She nodded and turned to Edward. "Are you liking town so far, Dr. Cullen?"
Edward put down the mug he had just taken a sip out of and nodded. "Yes, thank you."
Isabella noticed that Edward was still acting shyly so she just nodded again and left the two men to their conversation.
That night went by slowly, reminding Isabella why she enjoyed working with horses so much; the horses never called her over rudely or eyed her like a piece of meat. She was relieved when the tavern began to empty out.
There were only a few people left when Isabella began to collect all the used beer mugs. Emmett sat at the bar, a couple that her mother had known sat by the front door, Sam Uley – drunk – sat over by the far right wall, and Jasper and Edward still occupied their table in the far left corner. As she left empty mugs on the bar for Jacob, Emmett caught her attention.
"Do you work for Jacob often?" he asked casually, down to the last of his beer.
She leaned against the bar counter for a moment to relax. "Not often." She felt like she should explain how money was tight, but she didn't think it would be right. She didn't want people to know how poor she was, even though she was quite sure they already did.
The couple by the door left money on their table and left, and Isabella went to clean their table.
All night she kept berating herself, catching herself when her attention would drift to the table in the far corner. She couldn't understand why she was constantly aware of Edward, and she found it to be frustrating and distracting. She found herself wondering what she would do in certain scenarios; what if he came to the bar? What if he is the last to leave? What if they were alone together?
It always came around to her practical, logical side asking 'Really, what would you even say to him without making a complete fool of yourself?'
That was the thought that kept her away from him.
Jacob had taken all the glasses into the back room to start washing them and told Isabella to close the doors when everyone had left. As she waited, she cleaned the counter and tried to stay focused.
She laughed lightly when she noticed that Emmett had finished his drink, but was still seated. "Can I get you another drink?"
"No," he smiled. "Do you want me to stay so you won't have to walk home in the dark alone?"
Emmett, Jacob and Isabella had grown up together – along with Alice - and, while Jacob had been the boy to tease her and play jokes on her, Emmett had been the 'big brother.' Emmett had always looked out for her.
Isabella was suddenly sorry that she had not seen him much since her father's death. Of course, he was always good old Emmett, never upset about their fading friendship; just always happy to see her.
"Thank you, but no. You must be tired." She squeezed his hand gently as an extra show of gratitude.
"No," he replied, but she knew he was lying.
She just smiled and shook her head at him. Then she caught herself glancing over to the corner again.
Emmett turned to look at what had her attention and then turned back to her. "Is the new doctor a nice guy?"
Isabella shrugged. "I suppose. I haven't really talked to him."
He examined the look on her face and in her eyes. "Isabella,"
Her attention went back to him.
"Be careful." He warned with a small smile, standing up from his stool.
She opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, but he just shook a finger at her, in his brotherly way, and left.
That left Jasper, Edward and Sam. Having worked at the tavern before, Isabella knew Sam would be the last to leave. He usually had to be asked to leave a few times before they would practically throw him out.
Picking up a clean rag, Isabella started cleaning all the tables and putting the chairs up so she could sweep the floor. She waved and said goodbye when Jasper left to go home, leaving Edward to finish his drink alone.
When she went back to the bar to get the broom, Sam walked up with his empty mug.
"Thought I'd come to you; save you some time." He slurred as he happily set his mug on the counter.
"Thank you." Her cheeks were tired by now from all the smiling she was doing that night.
That was another thing about working with horses; they didn't care if you smiled or not. As long as they were fed and their stalls were clean, they were happy.
"You're always working, Isabella." Sam continued, leaning slightly on the counter. He wasn't wobbly-drunk; just drunk. "Why is that?"
"I suppose I just like to keep busy." She replied.
Sam nodded, his bottom lip sticking out just a bit as if he really understood. "What you need is to relax. How about I come by some time for supper?"
Isabella furrowed her eyebrows wearily. How was making supper for a man supposed to be relaxing? "Um… I don't think so…" she said slowly. Even though she wasn't interested in Sam one bit, she still felt bad turning him down. She turned to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. As soon as she looked at him, he let her go.
"Aw, come on, Isabella." He said, walking towards her enough that she had to take a couple steps back.
Just as he was about to take another step and have her against the wall, a hand appeared on Sam's shoulder.
"I believe she said no." Edward said from beside them. He pushed Sam back, causing Sam to stumble slightly.
Sam gave a grunt of annoyance and took another step back. When his eyes went back to Isabella, Edward cleared his throat. "You are one crazy sucker." He said, almost growling with anger.
Edward stepped in front of Isabella and glared right back at him.
After a long moment of silence, Sam gave a huff of frustration and left.
Edward watched the man leave, while all Isabella could do was watch Edward. "Um… thank you." She said meekly as he turned to face her.
Expecting him to at least smile at her, she was immediately disappointed. He was back to looking uncomfortable and shy, his brow furrowed with whatever thoughts were running through his mind. Isabella's urge to smile faded and she felt slightly foolish standing there in front of him, as if it might be her fault that he had to interfere with what had just happened.
"He's not usually like that," she waved her hand passively and inched back behind the counter. "Usually, he just drags himself out at the last minute." She picked up the last beer mug and prepared to take it back to be cleaned.
"Yes, well, if he's going to treat women like that, then he shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near one." Edward said, surprising Isabella that he had actually said more than two words to her. He gave a half nod. "Have a good night." He turned and made his way out the door.
"You as well," she called rather quietly after him.
Isabella stood there for a few minutes, watching the doors long after Edward had left. As silly as it sounded in her own mind, she truly felt like dancing. The fact that she was so elated to know he was aware of her, she found to be utterly ridiculous. But that didn't stop the giddy, light feeling she was experiencing. And he had defended her!
She had to pull herself out of her thoughts. 'Honestly,' she thought, 'I have no time for feelings like these.' Distraction came as Jacob walked out from the back.
"Ah, good, everybody's gone." He said cheerfully. "What an evening."
Isabella smiled to herself. He had no idea.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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